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Results of this project will be the videos that students will make and their main goal will be to exchange their experience about living in a town or site that is on the list of The UNESCO Heritage Culture. Both, positive and negative experience should be included. Students will  suggest some ideas about changes in their surroundings if they notice something negative. Consequentley, students will sharpen their critical thinking skills while doing PBL activities.
Students will collaborate with their peers across Europe in activities which they will post on the web for their friends to read, and so they can offer comments and engage in conversations about the topic.
Teachers will create a quiz and organise a live meeting - video conference where the students from all partner schools will compete with each other by answering questions related to the project.
Finally, all participants will write a short summary about what they have learnt and put it on the Padlet wall.
Last but not least, students will improve their language knowledge  and  cross cultural communication skills.
Optional dissemination:
Parents can be invited to school and  students works can be presented to them. Furthermore, student`s ideas could be presented to the local authorities if the teachers agree  they could be valuable.
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